I love going on vacation. I come across some of my best inspirations when I am on holiday. There is something about having a relaxed mindset that allows creativity to flow freely. It opens our minds to new avenues, and sometimes even gives us a new perspective on known things.


I have always been inspired by Mother Nature and the effect can be seen in most of my artworks. I believe that the distinctive shapes, natural symmetry and vibrant colors are gifts for every artistic soul and creative mind. I enjoy drawing inspiration from small, everyday things such as observations while on a walk when on holiday because each experience is so unique and different from our routines.


Personally, travelling helps me unwind and ideate and consequently create distinctive pieces. My recent trip to Hawaii proved to be just that! I came away, awestruck and inspired by the beauty of nature, our long walks on the beach, the delicious fruit and the warmth of the place. I was so eager to begin replicating the sustainability and designs in my artwork.


Inspiration Through Plants: The Monstera and The Lotus

This magnificent plant that has taken over the imaginations of Pinterest and Instagram is also known as the Swiss cheese plant because of the holes in its leaves. The huge, glossy dark green leaves are sure to add a striking element to any room you place it in. I am especially drawn to the gorgeous Hawaiian lotus and have even created a customized piece inspired by it before as well.


Paper Quilled Monstera Leaf


Paper Quilled Lotus Art


Inspiration Through Beaches: The Turtle

Beaches are a great place to sit back and observe the varying shades of blue and green. Watching surfers catching waves on the one hand and the beauty of flora and fauna on the other intrigued me. This time, I loved visiting the beautiful turtle beaches and created this artwork using bright colors like turquoise and sea green.

 Paper Quilled Sea Turtle Art

Here is the link to a turtle inspired artwork that I created


Inspiration Through Fruit: The Pineapple

I enjoy tropical fruit, but never have I ever eaten anything as delicious as a juicy Hawaiian pineapple! While creating these earrings, I remembered the bright yellow of the fruit as we watched some spectacular sunsets.

Paper Quilled Pineapple Earrings 

Here is the link to a pineapple inspired pair of earrings that I created


Paper Sweetly is committed to providing you with the best in ethical, sustainable and handmade gifting. 


I hope you enjoyed reading about my travels. In what ways has travel inspired you? Do you feel refreshed and rejuvenated after a holiday as well, no matter how long or short it is for? I would love to hear about it!


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